
Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Kinds of Wedges♡

Designer Indonesia, Go International!

Oscar Lawalata

Oscar Lawalata, atau nama lengkapnya Oscar Septianus Lawalata (lahir di PekanbaruRiau,1 September 1977; umur 34 tahun) adalah seorang perancang busana Indonesia. Ia lahir dari pasangan Ragnild Antoinette (lebih dikenal sebagai Reggy Lawalata) dan Alexander Polii (sekarang sudah cerai). Adiknya, Mario Lawalata, adalah pemain sinetron Indonesia.
Oscar pernah belajar mode di sekolah mode di JakartaEsmod. Program yang seharusnya tiga tahun, hanya dijalani separuhnya. Oscar berhenti sekolah saat terjadi krisis moneter tahun 1998. Uang yang sedianya untuk sekolah, digunakannya untuk membuka usaha

Tex Saverio
Nama Tex Saverio tiba-tiba menjadi perbincangan ramai di dunia maya. Salah satu koleksi gaun musim semi 2011-nya yang pernah ditampilkan di Jakarta Fashion Week, La Glacon, mendadak muncul di Harper’s Bazaar AS. Lebih hebat lagi, sosok yang mengenakan La Glacon adalah penyanyi top dunia, Lady GaGa. Tak pelak lagi, pujian dialamatkan kepada desainer muda kelahiran 1984 itu. Siapa sebenarnya Tex Saverio?

Ia disebut sebagai Alexander McQueen-nya Indonesia. “Tak bisa tidak, kami memikirkan McQueen ketika melihat gaun ini (La Glacon),” kata selebritis blogger Perez Hilton di blog modenya, Saverio sendiri tertawa melihat dirinya dibandingkan dengan perancang terkemuka dunia itu. “Itu terlalu berlebihan. Saya tidak ada apa-apanya dibanding dia. Satu hal yang pasti, itu akan menjadi motivasi saya,” katanya di blog pribadinya,

Namun siapa sangka, pemuda 26 tahun yang akrab disapa Rio itu ternyata tidak menamatkan bangku sekolahnya. Ia memilih keluar dari sekolah, agar bisa lebih cepat memulai karirnya di dunia mode. Rio memenangkan penghargaan pertamanya, Mercedes-Benz Asia Fashion Award, ketika ia baru berumur 21 tahun. Kini, lima tahun kemudian, La Glacon menjadi buah bibir di dunia mode internasional.

Tidak hanya La Glacon yang menarik minat internasional. Koleksi gaun Rio lainnya, My Courtesan, juga tak kalah dahsyatnya. My Courtesan dan La Glacon benar-benar menyedot perhatian pengunjung Jakarta Fashion Week beberapa waktu lalu. Menurut Rio, ia dapat menciptakan gaun fenomenal semacam itu karena selalu berpikir bahwa tiap rancangan memiliki jiwa tersendiri. “Ini adalah tentang jiwa. Saya ingin setiap karya saya memiliki jiwa. Itu akan membuat banyak perbedaan,” terang Rio.

Rio sudah bercita-cita menjadi perancang sejak ia duduk di bangku SMA. Rio menceritakan, ia memang hobi menggambar sejak kecil. Ia bahkan menggambar di tengah pelajaran. “Sampai-sampai salah satu guru saya suatu hari berkata pada saya, ‘Jika saya jadi kamu, saya tidak akan pergi ke sekolah ini. Saya akan pergi ke sekolah mode. Kenapa kamu tidak mencari perancang busana saja,’” kenang Rio tentang gurunya itu. Tepat seperti itulah yang dilakukan Rio. Ia keluar dari sekolah dan fokus mempelajari mode.

Uniknya, sebelum La Glacon dikenakan oleh Lady GaGa, Rio sudah memimpikan gaun rancangannya itu dipakai oleh artis yang bersangkutan. Sejak lama, Rio ingin gaunnya dikenakan oleh sejumlah selebritis wanita yang mempunyai karakter kuat. Siapa saja mereka? “Angelina Jolie, Lady GaGa, Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron,” sahut Rio. Dan siapakah model yang paling ia inginkan memakai gaunnya di peragaan busana miliknya? “Naomi Campbell,” tandasnya.

Kini Rio sedang sibuk mempersiapkan koleksi gaun berikutnya. Ia mengatakan, sehari setelah menyelesaikan La Glacon, kepalanya sudah kembali dipenuhi oleh ide-ide baru tentang gaun-gaunnya yang akan datang. Tak heran ia menjadi perancang busana. Rio mengaku tidak punya cita-cita lain selain menjadi desainer. “Apapun yang terjadi, sampai mati aku pasti akan mencoba menjadi perancang busana,” pungkasnya.

Top Ten Fashion Designers versi HILARY Magz

Top Ten Fashion Designers
In a society where we are bombarded with fashion, how on earth do we decide who the top ten designers are? Well, after quite a lot of pondering, I came up with some names that I thought were a well-rounded group of creative minds. While I could just throw them all at you from one to ten, I figured (for those of you who don't know all of them) I'd give you a little background on them. So bare in mind that this is not a 1-10, best to um...less? These are the best from all over the board. So here goes.

1. VALENTINO GARAVANI. Hailing from Voghera Italy, this man knows how to make a woman look like a goddess. Though his shows speak for themself, the one place you are sure to find a Valentino dress is on the red carpet. Having dressed many of the world's most famous leading ladies (such as Julia Roberts and Elizabeth Taylor), he has proven his talent and risen to the top as (in my opinion) The King of Elegance.

2. TOM FORD is not only extremely talented, but he's hot too. Born in Texas, Tom originally trained to be an actor! Can you believe that? Thank goodness we pulled him over to the good side (kidding). But really, this man is not only the Creative Director for Gucci, he's also the Creative Director fro Yves Saint Laurent. Ford stole the show at the first ever VH1 Fashion Awards and won the Best International Designer Award in 2000.

Top Ten Fashion Designers3. DONATELLA VERSACE, while a little flamboyant herself, is still one of fashions most loved divas. Born in Calabria Italy, she graciously took over her late brother Gianni Versace's already flawless design house. By following in his footsteps, and having just as much passion for the industry as her brother, Donatella has become know for her sexy yet elegant designs.

4. ALEXANDER MCQUEEN is one of the worlds most innovative and outstanding couturiers. Known for his theatrical influence, his creations are not only beautiful but also colorful and raw.

5. BETSEY JOHNSON. Her designs are brilliant, bold and fun. They are funky and edgy, with a lifetime of flare. Straight from the American fashion capital [New York] Betsey is known for "her celebration of the exuberant".

6. RALPH LAUREN. He could possibly be the king of ready-to wear. When anyone mentions Ralph you know they have a deep love for fashion. Ralph Lauren studied business science and even served his time in the army. Known for dressing the most beautiful in the "prep" world, his lines now include Polo Ralph Lauren, Polo Sport, and the Ralph Lauren collections.

7. JOHN GALLIANO graduated from London's St. Martins College of Art & Design in 1983. With help from friends and loved ones, Galliano put on his first show in 1984. Creating designs with a historical influence, he has worked hard to gain the title of Chief Designer at Givenchy and the House of Christian Dior prize at LVMH.

Top Ten Fashion Designers8. DOMENICO DOLCE & STEFANO GABBANA.Here are two household names. I'm rather sure that almost every woman and man in the fashion world has some piece by these two geniuses. Every woman who wears D&G can be sure to feel sexy and confident. They both hail from Italy, and are known for making the "stars look like Stars".

9. MARC JACOBS is another one of those incredibly talented designers who makes everyone who wears his clothing feel like they are the cutting edge of fashion. This year his collection showcased a series of 60's housewife inspired dresses that were not only cute but also incredibly feminine. This one is one of my personal faves.

10. STELLA MCCARTNEY. I think the name says it all, but being the new girl on the block, we definitely have to give her credit. While being the daughter of a superstar, Stella has managed to carve a huge place for herself in the fashion world. And we love her for it. Her clothes are the height of class and speak volumes of her personal talent.

Well, that's it for this girls top ten. Now believe me, this list doesn't even touch the amount of talent out there. But really, who does decide this stuff? In all honesty, everyone has a taste all of their won in the fashion industry and that makes us all contributors to the fame and success of any fashion designer. It's people like you who really make or break this industry, so be proud.